Tuesday, March 4, 2025
To Hell with MAGA, Friends or Family.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Mere suggestions, for Democratic leaders.
You cannot win political campaigns in this environment with wordy, policy-thick ads, read by septuagenarians in reading glasses.
Those leaders must retire to the backbench, and allow more connected politicians to take the lead.
Make way for the new leaders and, please, enjoy retirement.
Second suggestion: use ads like knives, not boxing gloves.
There are so many to choose from. First to mind is the hacked HUD video, showing Trump kissing and licking Musk's feet. The graphic could switch from a focus on the kissing and licking, to the look on Musk's dumb AI-generated face.
And, you can always just flash images of Musk wearing his shades indoors, a sign of ketamine abuse. In fact, you might flash them, with the caption, "Ketamine abuse? Just asking questions!" Or him at the beach with his fishbelly-white gut hanging out, giving us all snowblindness, switching between images of a rocket exploding or penile implant ads.
You have got to get serious with these clowns. Now is NOT a time for policy wanking. Now is the time to save the nation. It is not the time for old approaches.
They have made it a fistfight, we must make is a knife fight.
Ungentlemanly things will need to be said and done.
Third suggestion: organize progressive "security" groups
No one could remember exactly WHO hired them.
Like fuck they didn't know.
They have now officially turned security forces AGAINST YOUR BASE.
It is now demonstrably apparent that liberal voices at town halls need physical protection, as well.
Of course, you cannot just show up and say you are there as security, because that would be laughable.
However, if you have volunteer speakers ready to be escorted by a lawfully-organized security force issued TO them, each individual might go in with two security officers accompanying them.
So, Susie Homemaker, all in gingham and lace, carrying a basket of apples, and all sweet and pure, might enter with a question in mind about Trump/Krasnov cozying up to Russia, and what they have on him. She is escorted to the mic by security, and escorted back to her seat afterwards.
If the locals object, flash the official badges from your organized force and state that THEY made this necessary.
They might need sidearms. Or not.
Legally-issued, of course.
This would be a good progressive billionaire project, also.
So, yeah. A few little suggestions.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
A Public Service Announcement from this broadcaster: don't call them Swasticars.
Monday, February 10, 2025
Moving forward with D, E, and I: hindsight is 20/20.
DEI has become the whipping boy of the right. As always, while the left was busy telling everyone: DEI GOOD! DEI GOOD!, without actually defining DEI, the right gladly took the cue and defined it for them, into an electoral and policy cudgel with which they continue to effectively pound Democrats at this writing.
[Hint: if you have to use an acronym in your campaign, you really have TWO campaigns: a campaign defining THE ACRONYM, and then the subsequent campaign USING the acronym]
The same has happened with the concept of being "woke." Each perfectly describes something clear FROM THE INDOCTRINATED, ACTIVIST LEFT, but not from other, more pedestrian, less activist perspectives. Without some kind of "rollout," to bring others up-to-speed, lefties hamstrung themselves for a race they ought to have won, easily.
What DEI-allied interests might have done all along was to roll it out, one letter at a time, in a marketing campaign. Kind of like the old Ad Council sort of ads. First cycle: Diversity (1-to-3, 15-second commercials), with examples. Second cycle: Equity (1-to-3, 15-second commercials), with examples. Third cycle: Inclusion (1-to-3, 15-second commercials), with examples.
Roll it out over a year or two, so people understand some simple examples from above, and are able to internalize them. Evaluate the results and gear it up for campaign time.
Would it work?
People of a certain age: how many of us remember "Give a hoot, don't pollute," "The Crying Indian," Smokey Bear, and others like that? Schoolhouse Rock?
Do we still trash the highways and rivers, or burn down forests regularly?
And it has been, what, fifty years since they initially played?
In addition to leaning far too heavily into identity politics (culture war bullshit, instead of the actual, unfolding class war at-hand), there has been an enormous failure on the part of the left to coherently advocate and promote novel concepts to new and disaffected voters.
It has been foolish for progressives and other activist lefties to assume that the center (and other generally-disaffected factions) share their lexicon and read from the same newsletters. Thus, in their use of DEI as shorthand, which has been given no linguistic value to other voters, they go into battle unarmed and unarmored. A complete "self-own."
So, how much is a basic, national, public interest ad campaign of maybe three-to-nine, fifteen-second commercials, spread over a one-or two-year campaign?
Tell me. I don't know. Then maybe we start a gofundme and recruit production staff.
There, that's three grand for my consultation fee. Thank you, I'll take cash or venmo.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Eric Trump OPENLY WARNS that they "can get so much worse."
So, Eric (the gummy, dumb one), posted a tweet, for twenty minutes, that warned enemies things will get much worse for people denying "The American Golden Age," and sounding not even a wee bit fascy at all.
I think it is important to note a few things, here.
First, that it was posted, at all.
Second, that it was taken down relatively quickly, but not quickly enough for the message to NOT get out.
Third, that speed of deletion makes for what Reagan would call plausible deniability, and Eric could claim it was posted in error by a fired staffer or what the fuck ever.
This was an order to stand by, exactly the way that Donald's "It's gonna be great!" tweet was, weeks before Jan 6.
This is a warning and no one is identifying it as so.
Monday, January 27, 2025
Forget something?
While you are never forgetting, on this day of selective remembrance, remember this: over 47,000 Palestinians, most of whom are women and children, are dead, and Donald Trump (friend to war criminal Netanyahu) wants to run who is left off the land. That is genocide. That is a war crime.
So, please, when you post this treacly shit about "never forget," expecting my tears to well up, remember that you are actively forgetting a holocaust happening in your own fucking time, perpetrated by the same people who killed three dozen American sailors in 1967.
Never forget? Never again?
Try to mean it.