Friday, May 31, 2024

It's all in the marketing...

About a week into the Gaza extermination war, when expressions of sorrow had about reached their peak, someone I was briefly connected to on Facebook posted some treacly, weepy bullshit about how horrible that Oct 7 attack had been, despite the fact that Israel had begun their Gaza genocide in earnest already.

I felt that, once Israel had culled an equal number of Gazans to the number of those Israelis lost, anything beyond it was massacre. However, this person kept posting treacly shit making it sound as if Israel were a nation of mental deficients who couldn't be left unprotected by big daddy USA.

It was all boo-hoo for Israel, without a single tear shed or pixel colored-in to address the Gazan baby deaths, or the deaths of their mothers and grandmothers.

I replied to one of these posts, to say that it was all marketing.

It got me blocked by him (Zionists HATE being called out, as they are unable to defend themselves without appearing to be monsters, and are on about their tenth decade of playing the "poor us" card, whilst also beating their Arab neighbors to death and stealing their land), but at least I don't have to read that ignorant, sappy tripe in my feed anymore, contrasted to the actual damned reality of the approximately 20,000 CHILDREN Israel has slaughtered in their genocidal lust for blood.

Never forget?

Please, don't sell me that line of garbage any fucking more, until Israel and its horrible enablers change their ways, and actual take steps to never forget.

I won't be holding my breath on that.

P. S.: And, until Biden decides to grow a pair of balls to stand up to AIPAC and the Zionist colonialists who take delight in killing brown babies, he cannot count on my vote. At. Fucking. All.

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