Friday, May 31, 2024

Start deciding who gets your 2024 vote.

Israel corralled millions of people into a "safe zone" and then continued killing them. 

Superficially, to destroy a terrorist group, but anyone paying attention knows, of course, it is largely to get what is left of Palestine land, the desire for which is demonstrated for all the world to see in the West Bank, and on a daily basis. One simply cannot deny war crimes are being committed in Bibi's war of Vengeance Upon the Innocents. 

Lebensraum and death camps. The irony is tragic. And absolutely infuriating. 

Our taxes bought and paid for each dead baby in Rafah. Biden enabled it all, and "liberals" are ok with dead kids, and will OPENLY demonstrate this comfort level heading into 2024. Joe Biden could shoot a Gazan baby in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and not lose a liberal vote. 

Now, I can understand an eye for an eye, despite the fact that it leaves everyone blind. I may not agree with it, but it is within a reasonable range of reactions to great offenses. Supporting equal justice is not a deal-breaker to me as a voter. 

But taking twenty eyes for an eye is simply bloodlust, and individuals responsible ought to be stretching a rope in the Hague. Looking at you, Bibi. 

ALLOWING that to continue to happen in broad daylight, for all to see, when one is the most powerful man on the Earth, is absolutely unforgivable. Especially when one claims to be a Catholic (something I feel I can criticize Biden for, being a former "cat licker" myelf). Joe, you are only as Catholic as your actions, not your words, and you are NOT in communion with the Church in this regard. 

Sorry not sorry.

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