Monday, July 1, 2024

Creative immediate use of the kingly powers of His Majesty, Joseph the First, also known as Duke of Brandon

SCOTUS seems to have given POTUS insane new powers, so long as they fall within the King--er, President's--"official duties."

I have a few ideas right off the bat.


Pack the court, naming a new Chief Justice. Use a recess appointment, which has disadvantages in the long term (the constitution limits the term of a recess appointee to the end of the Senate's next session), but extreme value in the short term, because the new SCOTUS, under a progressive Chief Justice, can wield the SCOTUS power to review previous cases and call tag-backs, making a new determination: nope, the new, by-the-books Supreme Court reverses that, and maybe fast tracks other questions, in order to get this clown in a federal penitentiary.

King Joe should call and all-hands brainstorming session on a plan to just pack the court and keep it packed.

The main thing is that, in their time in office, they can correct so many things, if the New SCOTUS and new Chief Justice are prepared to tackle a very specific docket of Roberts Court decisions to be overturned.


Call Congress back into session, in order to craft legislation specific to this very problem. Do it to keep the GOP candidates off the campaign trail, at the very least.

Members won't heed King Joe? Why, Send out the Royal, er, I mean, Federal Marshals. Extend an invitation that will not be declined. Haul in congressmen who have avoided Congressional subpoena and lock their asses up, so that the balance of Congress changes, and bold corrections can be made without their chicanery.


Revoke any and all licenses to media actors who helped to promulgate the conspiracy. Get them off the air. I bet you can squeak that one in, under the circumstances, now that we have a King and he has official duties outside of prosecution.


Deploy the National Guard to convey registered voters to their polling precincts across the nation this November, with a military-style plan to identify and lend support to getting willing voters to their polling stations. No force, but offer protected transportation to and from the polls.


There. I came up with some ideas worth exploring. If Joe Biden wants to save the Union, he is going to have to brandish this new sword he has been given.

1 comment:

Paullie Moonbeam said...

I am so serious. So fucking serious. Please, someone, anyone, get this to Joe Biden. Someone has to be six degrees removed, or less, and able to pass it along.