Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Eric Trump OPENLY WARNS that they "can get so much worse."

So, Eric (the gummy, dumb one), posted a tweet, for twenty minutes, that warned enemies things will get much worse for people denying "The American Golden Age," and sounding not even a wee bit fascy at all.

I think it is important to note a few things, here.

First, that it was posted, at all.

Second, that it was taken down relatively quickly, but not quickly enough for the message to NOT get out.

Third, that speed of deletion makes for what Reagan would call plausible deniability, and Eric could claim it was posted in error by a fired staffer or what the fuck ever.

This was an order to stand by, exactly the way that Donald's "It's gonna be great!" tweet was, weeks before Jan 6.

This is a warning and no one is identifying it as so.

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