Thursday, July 18, 2024

About that funny little picture on the blog

So, I have a picture for the blog that resembles a Federation outhouse from the Star Trek universe. I thought I'd explain where it came from and why I use it. It is nothing complicated: I am a lifetime fan of Star Trek TOS, and I have a strange sense of humor and aesthetics. All the follow-on series have been meh, but give me TOS any day, man. I am a Kirk-Bones-Spock man.

When I was young, I had the Enterprise blueprints. I had the Star Trek compendium, with its graphics and charts, depicting vehicles, Federation organizational charts, etc. I was a true Star Trek nerd. I even showed up to fourth grade with a Star Fleet dreadnought I had fashioned out of cardboard, which elicited a response from someone who would later become a friend, and which I often chuckle about still: "That ain't no Star Trak!"

Anyhow, when I was starting back up to writing here, I happened to also be playing around with image-creating AI. Given my warped sense of humor, I asked it to show me what a United Federation of Planets outhouse would look like. It went through a couple of refinements, but I finally settled on the image currently in use. I was quite happy with it, too. I mean, you can look at it and know what it is, without reading this explanatory post.

I was tempted to caption it with "Where some men have gone before," but that seems like a cheap laugh. So, I leave it there for you to see, and to create your own internal dialog, explaining how it came to be, and what adventures have taken place there.

It is a bit of levity in a troubling time.

Frankly, I'd give almost anything to be on that other planet, looking at that outhouse, rather than on THIS planet, which is turning into an actual outhouse.

Be good to each other, and remember to wash your hands before returning to work.

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