Thursday, July 18, 2024

Waiting for the fall, this Fall

Friends, it looks like it is going to come down to us if Donald Trump is ever going to be held accountable for his crimes against the nation. No white knight is coming to save us, and the powers that be are myopic and focused on their navels. We are all the little Dutch Boy, finger in the dike, hoping the floodwaters will subside. Hoping against hope that we will make it through Christmas unscathed.

I am sorry to say that I doubt we will come through without some injury. Because, either way, I fully expect that there will be violence in November. 

Whether it is celebratory or in despair, it will come from Trump supporters. I don't say this for impact or effect; I think it is an inevitable outcome of not having dealt FIRMLY with their existential threat to the nation while we had a chance.

MAGA is a powderkeg of assholes with severe compensatory issues, just waiting to take their infantile anger out on anyone, whether in response to a loss, or in celebration of a victory. They are the worst of a bad lot, and there will be a reckoning for allowing them to have guns, and never holding them accountable for a damned thing, again, while we had a chance.

Despite this, be proactive to the last, and vote this Fall. Vote like it is your last chance, because it will be if Trump wins.

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