Monday, August 26, 2024

A vote for Trump is a vote for Trump

Turnout is the only thing that matters in this election.

You aren't changing any minds at this stage. All you can do is try to get people to vote. Turnout, not impassioned argument, is what will win the election for Harris. Are you driving people to the polls? Organizing busses? Guiding voters through getting absentee ballots?

No matter how much effort you put into nuanced policy arguments or posting mean-spirited vote-shaming memes (which achieve <checks notes> nothing), if a person doesn't get to their voting location, Harris doesn't get that vote. Period.

So forget convincing people to change their minds. Get similar-minded people to the polls in larger numbers. Anything else is a complete and utter waste of time that only strokes your own ego and delivers Harris a great big goose egg.

If you live in a reliably democratic-leaning district but still want to have a real, meaningful impact on turnout, look into helping with GOTV efforts in less reliably democratic districts. If you can afford it, volunteer in another county or state to get out the vote.

Because arguing over the FACT of a fire achieves nothing if you are standing next to an extinguisher and fail to use it.

1 comment:

Paullie Moonbeam said...

And, turnout failed. Get Out the Vote turned into Where Was the Vote?

The question is, did they stay home by choice, or because they HAD no choice. Either question is going to be a tough one that the Democrats have to face and answer, but, of course, never will.