Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Graf Drumpf, approaching the berthing mast here, in Lakehurst, New Jersey...

I am awaiting news on the Harris VP front. For once, in my life, I am not as deeply concerned as I usually am about VP. I think Harris, alone, has momentum enough to flatten Trump. Pessimistic and cynical as I can be, I know when I am feeling optimistic, and my brothers and sisters, I am feeling optimistic.

This feels like a watershed moment. I feel as if the fever is about to break.

And, you know what?

I am going to SO enjoy TF out of watching that flaming, racist/misogynist gasbag of a bitch's bastard go down in ignominious defeat.

And, while I would feel HORRIBLY for almost any other life form in the solar system to have to go through it, and I would shrink from viewing their pain, I would happily binge-watch it on repeat if Trump should be found on camera to have pissed his slacks on Election Night.

I am generally a VERY kind person, but I have an asshole waiver that I personally issued myself years ago, that permits me (without guilt) to watch assholes get theirs, and to feel free to laugh my arse off in a great catharsis at seeing their jolly (to me) misery.

1 comment:

Paullie Moonbeam said...

Harris *HAD* the momentum, right up until the campaign decided to abandon economic populism for the same old, stale, and demonstrably-broken Democratic approach of identity politics, and trying to convince GOP voters, as a group with group identity, to cure their individual and collective mental diseases and vote Blue, this time around.

Instead of appealing to the most American of arguments, "Why does the rich person have as much as the rest of the entire town, collectively, and way more than YOU?"