Sunday, August 4, 2024

Jello with glass shards, or a shit sandwich, Mr. Trump?

Ah, Don the Con. Don the Coward. Don the Cow-weird.

That fat treasonous sonofawhore wouldn't know a policy point if it smashed a teleprompter and sent a small piece of plastic flying to scrape his elephantine ear in a minor way.

What was the problem with the last debate, is one person showed up to debate policy, and the other showed up to spray the stage with copious amounts of his own shit. Policy never had a chance.

I have said this elsewhere recently, but I do think we are watching Agolf Shittler flame out (some have described him as having entered the "Fat Elvis" stage of his political career). It won't happen overnight, but he is no longer able to mount an effective offensive. People are getting tired of him and many are looking for the next shiny object. Harris is rightfully framing him as a goddamned chickenshit limp-dick.The couch meme about Vance is sticking. Oh, and speaking of Vance, he seems unable to fend off the accurate depictions of his weirdness, because every defense he mounts is, well, weird.

The real milestone (or millstone, for Mango Mussolini) will be the ABC debate. Because Harris WILL show up. Trump will be faced with the Hobson's choice of staying away (making him a demonstrable coward, running scared from a multi-ethnic, powerful, successful woman), or showing up and having the same woman hand him his ass in multiple, tiny, trowel-sized chunks (making him a demonstrable loser). He has backed himself into a scaredeecat corner, and there is no way to get out of it without shitting himself.

And then, Vance, again. It is known that Trump regrets the choice, but, again, he has a limited selection of bad choices to make: keep Vance, and smile while that boat anchor around Trump's neck drags the campaign down to Davy Jones' locker, or dump Vance, and very effectively admit that he, Golden Boy Donnie the Sphincter-breathing Coward, made a huge m i s t a k e. Again, there is no escape hatch through which he can run without coming out covered in shit on the other side.

And Harris will continue to taunt him and rightfully call him what he is: a convicted felon guilty of fraud and sexual assault, which we have SEEN he does NOT like, at all.

So, yeah. He is a feral beast which has been backed into a corner, and there is no good option left for him but to stand there like a deer in the headlights, shouting racist diatribes into the wind, while SOME Trump-exhausted Republicans simply stay home from the election, and SCORES of young people and previously disinterested or dejected voters (at which he has aimed his venom) flock to vote for Harris.

This could be a landslide to rival Reagan's. The only question is by how much, and will there be felonious shenanigans by MAGA election supervisors. I think her win would be a solid 10 if she chooses Buttigieg, but otherwise somewhere between a 6 and an 8 with one of the traditional stodgy old white guys (which would make her job harder, I think, because that would be fighting a modern battle with inefficient, old-fashioned tactics).

That is my take. This is why I am bullish on Harris.

A giant landslide is heading for Trump, and his escape routes are all blocked. I can't think of a better person to be roundly and soundly humiliated before all 8 billion of us on Earth. Because lose he will.

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