Sunday, August 4, 2024

Food for thought

Think about this for a moment:

From announcement to election day, Harris' campaign will have effectively been a 100-day operation. Now, you can argue that her campaign, as the BIDEN campaign, began farther back in time, and I would allow that argument, while not necessarily agreeing with it.

See, I consider the change from Biden to Harris to effectively mark the start of an entirely new campaign, as it has been marked by the usual starting point of defining and introducing the candidate. While Harris was known before, she was second banana, and effectively just along for the ride on the Biden train.

But since the switch, the shift in gears has been so dramatic that I consider it to be a presidential campaign that only started two weeks ago. Considering how gangbusters it is going for her, such that she looks to be even to or surpassing Trump in the polls, I think this tells us something dramatic, with great import to the entire nation.

To wit: campaign season only needs to be about three months long. We don't need the continuous beatdown that wears out the nation. We could do what many nations do, and limit the legal campaigning period to three months. An ancillary benefit of this would be that less money would need to be raised for a three-month stint, as opposed to a two-year slog.

I, therefore, aver that a dramatically truncated campaign period is not only possible, but would be as effective, if not more effective, than the current multi-year battle we put ourselves through.

We don't need to run a marathon. We only need to make a short sprint and we're done.

Think about that.

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