Wednesday, February 12, 2025

A Public Service Announcement from this broadcaster: don't call them Swasticars.

Please, don't call them Swasticars.

They are Teslas.

Not Swasticars.

Swasticars imply the swastika, which was a symbol of Nazism.

Swasticars are something you shouldn't call them.

Or wankpanzers, either. That insinuates that the owner/driver is masturbating in the vehicle, or sees it in some strange paraphilic manner. Also, that they are a Nazi.

Those all hurt Melon Husk's feelings. It drives down sales of Swasti--I mean, Teslas.

You know, the guy who makes Nazi salutes ON ACCIDENT. His fee-fees get hurt.

So, remember, never refer to them as "Swasticars" or "wankpanzers."

And certainly never refer to them this way in perpetuity on your social media.

So, remember, don't say "swasticar" or "wankpanzer."




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