Let me repeat myself: MAGA are unreachable.
They have chosen to be unreachable.
They embrace their unreachability.
They have committed themselves to the embrace of selective ignorance as to their complicity with and/or active engagement in the banalities of workaday evil, the largest example of which is voting for candidates who promise to pay the rich on the savings incurred from denying help to the poor and oppressed.
And I know for a damned fact that many of you are friends with at least one of these people, or related and in contact with them.
I am told it is hard to just turn your back on an old "friend," or a family member. When it comes to bad faith actors, and any embrace of evil, I find it the easiest thing in the world. I don't know why. I just find it easy as falling off a horse to kick someone to the side if they prove to have been acting in bad faith all along.
No matter the thickness of the blood, there is no excuse for supporting those who would have you drown to create elbow room for a rich man in the lifeboat.
People have argued that this is absolutely the wrong approach to take. I argue that they are closing their eyes to the reality and demonstrability of evil, embraced.
Anyone and everyone who voted for Trump in this past election KNEW he was a bad person. If they didn't THAT IS ENTIRELY AND SQUARELY UPON THEM: they have had decades in which to simply be passively open to the best educational system the world has ever seen, and yet have learned not a god damned thing.
Trump wasn't new on-the-scene, either: this was his third presidential campaign, meaning every voter had twelve years to get to know this fascist sonofabitch.
And yet, they chose him over you and what you hold dear.
So people remain connected for what reason?
Studies have shown that people committed to a wrong idea are unlikely to be swayed by demonstrable evidence.
And, time is of the essence.
I figure we have less than a year to stop the nation from failing. The fiscal year ends this Fall, which is when new federal spending levels take effect, and all manner of shit will hit the fan (assuming the fan isn't already shit-encrusted, by then). Certainly, federal funds to states for social programs will take a huge, if not fatal, hit, as states tighten their fiscal belts and scale back or eliminate programs for social good and public health.
And this will be happening at the one-year mark before the midterm elections. There will be great pressure on GOP reps to stay the course, or face real physical threats from MAGA. If the heat gets too hot, do not assume for a fucking second that Trump won't impose martial law and simply postpone elections indefinitely. And the moment he will have to start really acting will be when, in November, people start looking forward to throwing him out of office with the rest of MAGA one year later.
Out of office, to be quite blunt and honest with you all, Trump is a dead man walking.
So, why are you still in contact with people who support him?
Sometimes children require harsh correction, but we embrace them afterwards because they have no agency and knew not what they did.
Adults only learn by falling and hitting their face on a boulder when they make a horrendous error.
Let. The. Fuckers. Learn.
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