Monday, August 5, 2024

Six little piggies

 I want to say something, apropos of nothing. I just wanted to say it. You know, to get it off my chest and share it with the world:

Fuck the conservatives on the Supreme Court.

Not for anything new. They have earned this already.

Just... fuck them. Fuck the feckless Roberts, who couldn't manage a Blockbuster video, let alone the court. Fuck that rapey drunken frat bro douchenozzle Kavanaugh. Fuck Pope Alito and may he burn in Catholic Hell. Fuck Clarence "Uncle" Thomas, in his RV, and with Ginni's crazy eyes. Fuck poisonous Mr Cellophane, Neil Gorsuch, who I am told is a person on the bench. And fuck court stenographer Coney Barrett, whose presence on the court simply baffles me.

Not for anything new, mind you. 

I just wanted to say, you know, fuck those assclowns.

Fuck them.

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